
File Menu

Capture as Still
Saves a image currently displayed in the Monitor window as still image file (PNG).
(Note that Output Adjust is not applied)
A folder [SynVisum Capture] is created automatically in the user's document folder, then a file is saved in that folder, with a file name based on current date and time.

Record as Movie
Saves motion graphic displayed in the Monitor window as movie file.
(Note that Output Adjust is not applied)
A folder [SynVisum Capture] is created automatically in the user's document folder, then a file is saved in that folder, with a file name based on current date and time.
Once recording is started, this command is renamed as [Stop Recording].
To stop recording, select this renamed command again.

Movie Setting
Sets video and audio compression options for movie recording.
Depending on compression option, CPU usage varies and smoothness of motion may degrade.

Record with Audio
If selected, audio is recorded too.
See [Audio Recording] for details.

Opening Setting File on Start Up
On SynVisum starts up, it opens setting files that were last used automatically.
However, if shift key is pressed while starting up, setting files are not opened.