
Compositions Provided by SynVisum (Animation Abstract)

Dot Pattern (Animation)

Displays coarse sectioned pattern.
[HDiv] and [VDiv] are number of division in horizontal and vertical respectively.
[Width] is number of sections to color, [Blank] is number of blank sections.
[Speed] is moving speed of pattern in sections per second.
Our BPMap suggests [Freq] (frequency) to match to tempo.
[Direction] is moving direction.

[Type] is pattern type.

[Duration] is time (in seconds) to show colored sections at pattern move (strobe).
If [Duration] is short, it will appear unevenly, because relative time resolution gets lowered, due to display update rate, and so on.

[Colors] is number of color to use.
[ColorType] is how to color pattern.
[ColorSpeed] is speed of shifting color assign (per second).

[ColorRandom] assigns colors randomly.
If [ColorRandom] is used, [Type] is [Stripe, StripeIn, Symmetry, SymmetryIn], and [ColorType] is [Stripe], color assign shifts as time elapse, even if [ColorSpeed] is [0].

[ColorStrobe] starts [Duration] on color shift ([ColorSpeed]).
[Continuous] places pattern continuously, ignoring section division.
[Restart] restarts pattern move when scene is triggered.
When any of [Type, Width, Blank, HDiv, VDiv] change, restarted automatically.
On start, pattern move and color shift are aligned.
If [Speed] or [ColorSpeed] is integral multiple of other, pattern move and color shift are synchronized.

Flamy (Animation)

Generates flamy effect usually done by lighting.
[Size] is coarseness of design.
[Perspective] represents tilted projection.
[Distortion] enhances design.
[Direction] is movement direction of design.
[Speed] is movement speed of design.
If [Direction] is [Rotate], rounds per second.
If [Direction] is [Horizontal] or [Vertical], movement per second (a width of a screen correspond to [2.0]).
[Variation] is change of design involved by movement.
[Diameter] is diameter of source spot light.
[Light1-3 X] and [Light1-3 Y] are position of lit (a width of a screen correspond to [2.0]).
If [Multi Color], different color patterns are intermingled.
(otherwise, color depends on position only)

Mandelbrot Set (Animation)

Shows Mandelbrot set based on popular escape iteration count method.
Due to implementation, there is limitation of precision.
To use more detailed image, use a specialized application program.

[X] and [Y] are center of interest.
The larger [Zoom], the more [Detail] may be required in some area.
Changing these setting requires time consuming calculation.
For faster calculation, try:
  • use less [Detail]
  • exclude Mandelbrot set (black area by default) from view
  • reduce display resolution

Iteration count is corresponded to color.
For this purpose, four colors are assigned evenly.
(from top to bottom, less count to more)
[Frequency] is color cycle.
[1] for four colors are corresponded to whole range of iteration count.
The more [Frequency], same color is used for different iteration count.
[Phase] is color cycle phase.
If [RGB], halftone is generated interpolating in RGB (red, green blue) color space.
If [HSV], halftone is generated interpolating in HSV (hue, saturation, value) color space.
If [Color Set], area of Mandelbrot set is also colorized.
(in this case, the color specified by [Set] is ignored)
[Set] is color for area of Mandelbrot set.


Scatter (Animation)

Scatters a image bustlingly.
Randomly places image in a screen.
(If no image is specified, a white square is used instead)
[Color] behaves as color filter.
(It does not change color of source image.
It is more effective if source image is white)
When a image is placed, size and hue are also varied randomly within [Size Var] and [Hue Var].
[Speed] is placement count per second.
[Attack] is a time for fade in.
[0] for appearing immediately.
[1.0] for placement interval set by [Speed].
[Decay] is time (in second) to fade image out.
[Mode] is behavior that placement involves.
[Blending] specifies how to overdraw particles (same as [Blending Function] of a layer).


Skew Shape (Animation)

Generates skew shape.
(This composition requires Mac OSX 10.6 or later)
[Vertices] is a number of vertices of a polygon.
([2] for a line segment.
Less than 2 is invalid)
[Trails] of same polygon as generated follows with some delay.
[Delay] is (phase) delay per trail.
[Decay] is brightness reduction of trails.
[Width] is line width (in unit of a width of a screen correspond to [2.0]).
(There is certain limit per machine specification (for example, 10 pixel wide))
[Hue Range] is variation of hue of polygon (in degree).
[Hue Speed] is speed of hue change of polygon (round per second).
[Hue Trail] is difference of hue per trail (in degree).
[Color] is base color of polygon.
[Locus] is movement of vertices.
[Blending] specifies how to overdraw particles (same as [Blending Function] of a layer).

Stripe (Animation)

Generates stripe pattern.
[Shape] is pattern shape. [Slant] is angle of stripe.
(if [Shape] is [Circle], not effective)
[Width] is a width of two adjacent color bands (a width of a screen correspond to [2.0]).
[Sharp] specifies how color changes, specifically at [1.0] there is no halftone, and only specified colors are used (rectangular wave).
[Duty] specifies bias of a change of color.
When [Sharp] is [0], [Duty]:
[Speed] is advance per second, a width of two adjacent color bands is [1.0].
If [Phase] is specified with a number (0.0 〜 1.0) when a scene is triggered (also when a Mix Fader is raised from minimum), phase is set to it.
If [Symmetric], center line symmetry.
If [Tricolor], three colors are used alternately.