
Log File

Boothter records visitor's action into a log file. It may be used to analyze visitor's interests later.
The log file is created with a name [ BoothterOperation.log ] in start up user's document folder.
Because the log is recorded in CSV format (Comma Separated Value), it is possible to analyze using database application program.
Field is defined, from left to right, as Date, Time, Button Number (1 to 12), Button Label, " Startup " or " Exit ".

"2004-10-31","14:25:47","1","Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","14:25:55","2","Another Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","14:26:01","1","Demo Movie",


"2004-10-31","17:19:39","1","Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","17:20:10","1","Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","17:20:20","1","Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","17:20:31","2","Another Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","17:20:34","1","Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","17:21:36","1","Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","17:21:39","2","Another Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","17:21:40","1","Demo Movie",
"2004-10-31","17:22:47","1","Demo Movie",